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Visual Editor Consultants

Visual Editor Consultants (VEC) has the primary purpose of developing scientific and engineering application software. The visual editor is its primary software product. VEC also conducts training in its software packages and the visualization of scientific data including MCNP output.


To download a tri-fold brochure about our company, Click Here.

Visual Editor Staff and Associates Include:


Current Work

Current and Completed Grants:

Partnership Opportunities

Training Classes:

Graphical User Interface Development

Performing MCNP Calculations

Company History

      Randy began developing the Visual Editor in 1992 under the direction of  Dr. Lee Carter as an in-house tool to use MCNP more efficiently.  The software was developed as funding allowed to create MCNP geometries for Randy and Dr. Carter's projects.  Eventually, however, it became clear that the Visual Editor needed people dedicated to it's full-time development to become the tool that Randy and Dr. Carter envisioned it becoming.


      After his initial retirement, Dr. Carter formed Carter Monte Carlo Analysis Incorporated.  In addition to a variety of consulting, he programs the FORTRAN interface between the Visual Editor and the MCNP FORTRAN. 


Visual Editor Consultants was formed in July of 2001.  Randy initially worked half-time at his job and half-time at his company but was able to work full-time on Visual Editor development after the first year.  With additional grants and funding, Alysia was able to leave her job developing engineering software and join him in the spring of 2003.  Visual Editor Consultants programs the graphical user interface using Microsoft Visual C++ and works with Dr. Carter to interface the C++ code with the FORTRAN.


Visual Editor Consultants and Carter Monte Carlo Analysis Incorporated partner on all grants proposals.  The CAD Conversion contract also partnered with Richard Manke, through his architectural practice.


Today the software has grown in it's capability and maturity. We are constantly seeking new ideas as to how to make this an even better tool for the nuclear industry.


Contact Information

Phone: (509) 539-8621