Alysia Schwarz
P.O. Box 1308Richland, WA 99352
M.S. Electrical Engineering, Washington State University, Richland, WA, May 1997.
B.S. Physics, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, May 1988.
B.S. Electrical Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, December 1997.
Positions and Experience
Visual Editor Consultants
Richland, WA, 3/2002 – present, Co-Owner/ Software
Design, development, and coding in C++ using Visual Studio of the
Visual Editor for MCNP funded by SBIR grants (awarded Phase I and II)
from the Department of Energy and NASA and contract workfrom Los Alamos
National Laboratories (LANL). This software is a nuclear simulator
that is used worldwide. Webmaster for
Schwarz Software
Richland, WA, 3/2007 – present, Co-Owner.
Development of database-based software products. Current
products include a donation tracking software, a database that runs all
functions of a school, and a grade book. Webmaster for
Fluor Daniel Hanford
Richland, WA, 9/1999 – 3/2002, Advanced Engineer.
Control Systems Engineering
Design and testing of variouis control systems on the Hanford site.
Most recently, worked with a team on the design of a waste transport
system using Citect HMI interface and MS Access linked to SQL Server for
an automated test suite.
Protrain - Computer Software Training
Richland, WA, 5/1997 – 9/1999, Instructor.
Teach and develop custom training on various software packages.
Washington State University
Richland, WA, 5/1997 – 5/1998, Instructor.
Teach and develop custom training on various software packages.
Boeing Computer Systems
Richland, WA, 5/1993 – 5/1995, Systems Engineer,
Science and Engineering Computational Center
Responsibilities: Responsible a network of 32 Unix Machines used
by Scientific Groups at Hanford.
Boeing Computer Systems
Richland, WA, 8/1991 – 5/1993, Instructor,
Software Training
Responsibilities: Responsible for a
network of 32 Unix Machines used by Scientific Groups at Hanford.
Westinghouse Hanford Company
Richland, WA, 8/1989 – 8/1991, Control Systems Engineer,
Control Systems Engineering
Responsibilities: Software
programming for various control systems
Professional Expertise
Software Development
- Programming of the Visual Editor graphical user interface using Microsoft Visual Studio in C++.
- Design, Development, Deployment, and ongoing support for a production database Microsoft Access database.
- Development and coding on both UNIX and Windows operating systems.
- Programming in C (both UNIX based and Visual C++), VBA, Pascal, and Fortran
- Experience with Access, Outlook, Word, and Publisher
Web Design using Microsoft Expression Web II and Dreamweaver.
- Currently webmaster for the following sites: www.mcnpvised.com, www.schwarzsoftware.com
- Proficient with Adobe CS6 - Photoshop, InDesign, Flash, and Dreamweaver.
- Authoring of context sensitive Help using Adobe Robohelp 7
Engineering/Control Systems
- Development of Control System User Interface using Citect SCADA package.
- Design of logic for control of Fire Protection water system.
- Design of automated testing system for validation of control systems.
- Modeling and design of microprocessors using VHDL, Xilinx schematic capture, and the SR Programming Language.
- Many years of teaching computer software to students with a variety of skill levels and professional backgrounds.
- Many years developing software training curriculum.
Certifications and Licenses
- EIT (Engineer in Training) exam passed in October of 1987.
- MOUS (Microsoft Office User Specialist) Expert Level in Microsoft Word.
Technical Meeting Publications
- A.L. Schwarz, R. A. Schwarz, and L. L. Carter, "3-D Plotting Capabilities in the Visual Editor for Release 5 of MCNP," Proceedings of the 2003 Topical on Mathematical and Computational Sciences, April 6-10, 2003, Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
- R.A. Schwarz, A.L. Schwarz, and L.L. Carter, " Conversion Of Computer Aided Design (CAD) Output Files To Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) Input Files," The Monte Carlo Method: Versatility Unbounded in a Dynamic Computing World, Chattanooga, TN, April 17-21, 2005
- R.A.. Schwarz, A.L.. Schwarz, and L. L. Carter, " Wizards and Visualization Features for MCNP Geometries and Sources," The American Nuclear Society’s 14th Biennial Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division, Carlsbad New Mexico, USA. April 3-6, 2006.