Onsite MCNP Consulting for $7,500 per week with Visual Editor Consultants
In a tight economy, every cost is scrutinized. Travel budgets are cut. Onsite consulting by Visual Editor Consultants is the best deal you will find anywhere.
Randy Schwarz of Visual Editor Consultants will come to your location to consult on your MCNP needs.
- Cost is $7,500 in the United States, $9000 outside the United States for a week's visit to your location.
- By providing a fixed cost, contractual agreements will be kept to a minimum
- Consulting is provided at your location.
- Randy will work alongside you so that the geometries and visualization tools created can be used after the consulting is done.
- All the instructor's travel costs will be paid by Visual Editor Consultants.
Randy has over 25 years of experience using MCNP and conduction training workshops in all levels of MCNP/5/X/6.
Examples of MCNP consulting successes
Creation of an MCNP geometry for a Triga reactor showing flux and energy deposition.
Fission chamber detectors in a BWR
Animation of a fission chamber moving outside a shield and through a reactor wall.
Fuel Cask
The Cask geometry was created in one day from CAD Drawings.
Source and geometry for a cobalt irradiator
Spreadsheet for automated source loading and tally plotting