Training by Visual Editor Consultants |
Small Class Size, A Computer for Every Student, Taught by MCNP Experts, Excellent Training Materials for Future Reference

Ben Mirza - Magnox, UK, January 2015
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In addition to being a good course for beginners, this is an excellent refresher course for those who only intermittently use MCNP or MCNPX (once or twice a year). I highly recommend this course for intermittent users who learned via the “old school” method and have never used the visual editor. Having someone walk you through the Visual Editor such that you can easily move between windows to view the geometry, and explain how the visual editor interacts with the code such as through the input deck can dramatically reduce the stress level of building a model using the visual editor. In addition, learning how the Visual Editor can be used to plot the particle tracks for importance and optimization make this course well worth the time and cost.
Timothy Taulbee - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. April 2010, Las Vegas, NV

I had some limited experience before the class, but I would like to say that I would definitely recommend this course to the new users. Because of a smaller class size Instructor adapts to the needs of students better then in a larger groups, students also get a lot more help and attention from the instructor. It might not cover 100% of material other classes cover, but this allows more time to focus on basics. I would strongly recommend taking this course before taking any other MCNP class, it lays a great foundation and shows how to simplify creating input file by using Visual Editor. Time saving is tremendous and VisEd makes it so much easier to see mistakes which is crucial for beginner. When I explain what VisEd does for MCNP users I use Excel and Visual Basic analogy. Knowing Visual Basic helps, but most of the time all you need is Excel, which does the job. Class was arranged in a very good manner, didn’t put pressure by loading us with too much information and providing enough free time to study or explore the city. Randy is a great teacher! He not only cares a lot about Everybody understanding the course but also tried to make our stay in Seattle enjoyable, giving us tips on sightseeing and transportation options. Randy, thank very much for taking us to the Sky Restaurant at the Space needle, the view was amazing and it was great to get to know each other a little better!
Olga Belooussova - LANL - January 2010, Seattle, WA

The class is a great way to begin learning about visual editor and MCNP. There is plenty of time to work through problems, ask questions and really learn how to use the program for yourself. It isn’t just show and tell, it is hands on work, and that is really how you learn something.
Ryan Smith - Bechtel National Inc., November 2009, Las Vegas, NV

I think, this is a great class. Being a novice, I was able to keep up with more experienced participants. The material is very well presented. It’s a great advantage that students take the exercises and class materials home – this way, one can easily refresh his memory if something is forgotten. Also, having these materials and software is very helpful for everyday use of MCNP/VISED. And of course, I do not understand how anyone can work with MCNP without using VISED. VISED makes life so much easier.
Dali Georgobiani - Michigan State University, November 2009, Las Vegas, NV

Excellent class! I learned so much from this class! I impressed my boss the first week after coming back from this class! I can do many things I never thought I could do with MCNP before. I am able to check my source, geometry, particle track and make complicated badge designs which I couldn’t do at all before! For somebody like me who has little programming experience, it is a great introductory class; you will be surprised how easy Visual Editor will make you life. You can explain very abstract theory by a pretty picture and it is easy to understand, isn’t it amazing!!
Zhenghua Xia - Landauer. November 2009, Las Vegas, NV

This visual editor class and software make MCNP very accessible for the first time user. After one week of training I feel confident in my ability to put together some fairly complicated geometries. Without the visual editor software I do not think that would be the case.
Douglas Dempsey - Idaho National Laboratory. May 2009, Las Vegas, NV

The Visual Editor allows one to create mcnp inputs “almost” effortlessly and aids in better understanding of results through the ability to visualize the problem. For anyone who has avoided mcnp in the past, I highly recommend the visual editor as a superior way to learn mcnp.
Michael Polewski - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation May 2009, Las Vegas, NV

Rosalie Multari, Applied Research Associates. January 2009, Las Vegas, NV
See Dr. Multari's Gallery Submission. Click Here

Stepan Mashnik- Los Alamos National Laboratory, On Site Custom class, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Sept. 2008

Andrew Statch—Bechtel National Inc, July 2008, Seattle, WA

Cye Waldman - Information Systems Laboratories, September 2007, Richland WA

Kelly Ellis - Lucas Engineering and Management Services, July 2007, Seattle WA

Dick Olsher - Los Alamos National Laboratory, September 2006, Richland, WA

Every MCNP user should acquire the Visual Editor and participate in the Visual Editor Consultants class. The gains in analytical power and productivity will far out weight the expenditure of time and money.
Carl Koizumi - S.M. Stoller Corp, September 2004, Richland, WA
To see pictures from a previous class, Click Here.