1. Chul Gwon - US Naval Research 2. Madalina Erighin
- Babcock and Wilcox
3. Trey Hathaway - Babcock and Wilcox 4. Matthew Jackson
- US Army Nuclear & CWMD Agency 5. Daniel Speaker -
Babcock and Wilcox 6.
Kenneth Dayman - University of Texas 7. Kevin Kramer -
Applied Research Associates, Inc. 8. Andrew (Steve)
Richardson - US Naval Research Laboratory
9. Kazuro Hiromoto - MHI Nuclear Engineering Company,
Limited 10. Trenton Franz - University of Arizona 11. Jaehoon Song
- KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
12. John P. Apruzese - US Naval Research Laboratory 13. Jennifer Brand
- University of Nebraska 14.
Stephen Swanekamp - US Navel Research Laboratory 15.
Debbie Daroset - ManTech 16. Justin Cantley -
University of Florida 17.
Michael James - Instructor - LANL 18. Brenden Heidrich
- Pennsylvania State University
Not Pictured
Youngmi Gil - KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)