1 Sebastien Bernard
- CEA Cadarache, France 2
Baptiste Cadilhon - CEA Cadarache, France 3 David Bote Paz
- CLPU-Universidad de Salamanca, Spain. 4 Gert-Jen
Van Der Heirjen - Urenco Nederland B.V, The Netherlands 5 Rodolphe Antoni
- CEA Cadarache, France 6 Jonatan Jiselmark - ALARA
Engineering AB, Sweden 7 Marco Wherfritz - GRS
mbH, Germany 8
Salvadore Domingo - Polytechnic University of Madrid
(DENIM-UPM) 9 Nora Hocine - IRSN, France 10
Sébastien Genet
- EADS-SODERN, France 11 Mattias Behler - GRS
mbH, Germany 12
Seong Hee Lee - KEPCO Engineering & Construction
Company, Republic of Korea 13 Maria Amor Duch -
University Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain 14
Ignacio Calavia - Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, Spain 15 Adela Carnicer Caceres
- INTE - Univer.Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain 16
Anna Ferrari - Forschungszentrum Dresden - Rossendorf,
Germany 17 Axel Pichlmaier - TUEV SUED
Industrie Service GmbH, Germany 18
Vincenzo Romanello - Karlsruhe Institut of Technologie
(KIT), Germany 19 Ondrej Kvasnicka - CEZ
a.s., Czech Republic
20. Vladimir Smutny - Skoda JS a.s., Czech
Republic 21 Luc Schloemer - WTI GmbH, Germany
22 Christophe Roure - CEA Cadarache, France 23 Giles Borouch
- CEA Cadarache, France |