Visplot 6.1 Compatibility with 6.2
Currently, there are not any compatibility issues between Visplot 6.1 and MCNP® 6.2 that can not be solved with minor work-arounds. The following is useful information about using Visplot 6.1 with the 6.2 release.
The upgrade to 6.2 did not include substantial changes in the input files. Almost all 6.2 input files can be displayed and run in visplot6.1.
All input files created in the visedX can be run in 6.2.
Runtpe files created in 6.2 can not be read by Visplot6.1. Create a MCTAL file instead which can be read in Visplot6.1 (prdmp J J 1) for plotting tallies. Alternatively, the input can be run in visplot6.1 to create a binary compatible runtpe file.
6.1 will not have the latest 6.2 cross sections (0.90c), xsdir can be modified to access these new cross sections.